Monday, September 3, 2012

Dog Training Will Bring You Closer To Your Dog |

The loveable dog you brought home from the pound seems to be more troublesome than you could have imagined. Luckily, it just takes some elementary dog training to help your dog understand what sort of behavior is expected.

Although lots of breeds get along with other dogs in training, whether or not you can train your dogs together is really up to their individual personalities. If you attempt to train your dogs at the same time and notice that they are not able to concentrate the way that you want them to, you may need to train them separately.

You should not initiate a training session unless you are in a calm and patient mood. Your patience is vital to helping the dog understand and accomplish his training goals, work through distractions or other behavioral issues and learn self-discipline.

Unless breeding is in your dog?s future, make sure he or she is spayed or neutered before six months of age. This should be happening roughly at the same time as the first obedience class. A dog that is fixed will be more willing to learn. You will have a lot more happy years with your dog, and your dog will have a happier, healthier life.

Before you begin training your dog, you need to establish yourself as the alpha. You have to show your dog that you are in control or he will not obey or respect you. Always walk in front of the dog when you go on walks, because this is the position to show leadership.

Be consistent when dog training. Have a set list of commands that everyone in the household knows. Also, make sure to be on the same page regarding rewarding good behavior and never rewarding bad behavior. Your dog will understand what is required if everyone involved uses the same approach.

Make sure training has an element of fun incorporated into it. If you do so, your dog will feel closer to you, and even respond to training better. While training can be considered fun, be prepared to spend some time just playing as well.

When teaching your dog a complicated routine, break the task into smaller elements. One example of a complex behavior is getting the newspaper. To begin this process, you have to teach him how he can hold onto an object. Then the dog needs to begin learning to go for the object when given the name as a command. Then, he needs to be taught to pick up the object. Finally, he should learn how to bring it over to you. When you break down the actions like this, it will be easier to communicate what you want to your dog.

If you have a knock-down, drag-out fight with your kids or reprimand another pet, your voice could impact your dog?s training. This prevents the dog from feeling like he did something wrong. Unless your dog has done something to deserve your unhappiness, staying positive is vital to successful training.

Dogs have tunnel vision and will focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else. If you get your dog to focus on you, it will help his behavior.

You won?t get anywhere in your dog training routine if your dog feels unsafe. If your pet feels unsafe, it is more likely they will act out in a negative way. To prevent this from happening with your dog, always make sure his environment is conducive to feelings of comfort and safety.

Reward your dog with high-quality treats when you are training him. You may even opt to give them they would not usually have, such as hotdogs or ice cream.

Keep your dog challenged regularly. Try giving them ?quizzes? to see what they know, even if you know they will succeed.

When training your dog, in order for him to be properly well-behaved make sure your entire household is consistent in their training methods. Dogs respond best to consistency in their training methods. If given mixed training, the animal will be baffled as to how to behave.

You should not tie up multiple dogs where they can reach each other, no matter how friendly they are. The chain from one dog could wrap around the second and the dogs could get hurt trying to get free. This is especially dangerous if one dog is larger than the other, as it could use its superior size to maneuver the other dog into a dangerous position.

Many times dog owners are surprised to see they can easily train their dog on an everyday basis and promptly see the results. Try out these tips if you are having problems with your dog

Info about crate training.


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