Sunday, September 30, 2012

Important Facts about Heart Health for Women [World Heart Day ...

Caring for a Women?s Heart


Women take care of every heart around, from parents, siblings, boy friends, husbands, in laws, kids et al? but through all this they forget about their own hearts. On World Heart Day 2012, we take a look at how and why prevention of cardiovascular disease should be of prime concern to women as well. For instance, did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of women? And, no, we aren?t talking about heart breaks!

Cardiovascular diseases are the commonest cause of death across the world, including India. In India, heart disease accounts for nearly 19% of all deaths. Nearly 32.8% of deaths in urban India, in the age group 25-69 years, are due to heart disease.

Contrary to what many believe, women are as prone to heart disease as men. The incidence of cardiovascular diseases in women and the youth is on the rise in India. This can be attributed to the lifestyles and dietary changes in the modern day scenario, as well as the age old issue of plain neglect and unawareness of what being heart healthy really means.

Urban Indians eat more refined foods and lead more sedentary lives than ever before. Contributory factors are imbalanced diets with high cereal and refined carbohydrates and fats, stressful careers, smoking and drinking, and lack of exercise. Further, post-menopausal women are at a higher risk as they tend to ignore the need for regular screening.??

Earllier perceptions regarding heart disease between genders, suggested that women's hearts were less likely than men's to lose ability to pump blood after a heart attack; also, female heart patients were less likely to present the usual symptoms of obstructive coronary artery disease. Even today, women face heart-related oxygen deprivation and subsequent damage to the heart mostly due to blocks in small blood vessels rather than major arteries.

?The motto should be ?Eat right, Eat light and Exercise for at least 30-40 minutes daily for 5 days a week,? says? Dr. Kamal Deep Singh, consultant cardiologist, Columbia Hospital, Gurgaon. ?Women with breathlessness and discomfort in the chest, especially if they are hypertensive and/or diabetic and have high cholesterol, should go for a check up. I have seen many cases of working women with the same condition,? adds Dr Kamal.

Heart health facts you should be concerned about:

  • Heart disease is the number one killer of women.
  • Heart disease claims more women?s lives than the next seven leading causes of death combined.
  • Risk factors for heart disease affect women differently.
  • Women with heart disease may present different symptoms than men.
  • Women are often misdiagnosed and undertreated.
  • These important differences in heart disease have resulted in differences in outcomes. Over the past three decades, death from heart disease has declined significantly more for men than for women.


Here are five simple heart health care tips you can easily follow, starting today:

Reduce Carb Intake: A diet high in carbohydrates contributes significantly to heart disease. Research has found out precisely how cornflakes, white bread, french fries and similar foods containing high amounts of carbohydrates aggravate the probability of a heart disease. Arterial stress was observed in people who consumed foods with a high glycemic index such as cornflakes, sugar and french fries. It was discovered that foods with a high glycemic index made the brachial arteries swell for many hours.

  • Cut bad fat- like butter and ghee
  • Meat, poultry, fish and eggs have high protein but have high cholesterol too. Consume in moderation
  • Skimmed milk in place of whole milk
  • Skinless chicken breast and fish are better protein choices for non vegetarians as they are rich in omega fatty acids, which help lower triglycerides and cut risk of sudden cardiac death
  • Legumes are rich in protein and have no cholesterol and can be substituted for animal protein
  • Eat fruits and vegetable as they are rich in fiber, which reduces cholesterol
  • Whole grains such as ragi and jowar are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals
  • Polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, may be especially beneficial to your heart. Omega-3s, found in some types of fatty fish, appear to decrease the risk of coronary artery disease. They may also protect against irregular heartbeats and help lower blood pressure levels.
  • Flax seeds, flax seed oil and walnuts are vegan-friendly food sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sesame seed butter are all food sources of polyunsaturated fats

Stop Smoking: Smoking is a major cause of heart disease. The American Heart Association has named cigarette smoking as the most dangerous of the modifiable risk factors. Overall, smokers experience a 70% greater death rate from heart and blood vessel disease than non-smokers. Heavy smokers (twenty or more cigarettes per day) have a death rate two to three times greater than nonsmokers.



Exercise Regularly
: A lot is said about the benefits of exercise. All you need is 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, every day or at least five times a week, that keeps your heart at 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate. For adults that is about 110 beats per minute. Walking fast is helpful, but not a leisurely stroll. The best thing is to jog or even run. Interval training has a number of benefits as well. This is one of the simplest and most powerful things one can do to keep the heart healthy.

Reduce Stress: More and more evidence suggests a relationship between the risk of cardiovascular disease and environmental and psychosocial factors. These factors include job strain, relationship issues and social isolation. Acute and chronic stress may affect factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, smoking, physical inactivity and overeating.

Try to consciously observe when you are getting stressed and take steps to relax yourself. Deep breathing helps. Close your eves and take a deep breath. Inhale for 4-5 seconds and slowly exhale. Do this 3-4 times whenever you feel you are stressed.

Regular Checkups: Based on your family history, age and lifestyle, you may have to take additional care and frequent check-ups for your heart. Ask your doctor to check your cholesterol levels, to ensure that there is the right balance between LDL and HDL levels. Also have your blood pressure checked regularly. High blood pressure is also a major cause for heart disease.

Overall, maintain a healthy weight. Weighing more than 30 percent over your ideal weight can double your risk for developing heart disease. Limit your intake of saturated and trans fats. Eat a lot of brightly colored vegetables, fruits and whole grain. Avoid foods rich in sugar.

Target certain numbers to track your heart health.
You can learn a lot about your heart health by looking at a few numbers that can be tested easily by a physician. According to the American Heart Association, women should aim for the following numbers:

  • Total cholesterol?less than 200 mg/dL
  • LDL ?bad? cholesterol?less than 100
  • mg/dL for most people, optimally less than 80 mg/dL
  • HDL ?good? cholesterol?50 mg/dL or higher
  • Triglycerides?less than 150 mg/dL
  • Blood pressure?less than 130/80 mmHg, optimally less than 120/80 mmHg
  • Fasting glucose?less than 100 mg/dL
  • Body mass index (BMI)?less than 25
  • Waist circumference?35 inches or less

*Image courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images

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Seasonal Jobs: Top Companies Hiring For The Holidays - Careers ...

seasonal jobs holiday hiring

For many weary out-of-work Americans, the upcoming holiday season brings the potential for much-needed seasonal jobs.

Employment-services firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas forecasts retail payrolls to increase by 700,000 during the final three months of 2012, up from the 660,200 seasonal jobs added during last year's fourth quarter. Retailers expect a modest increase in sales (and thus aren't on a massive hiring binge), Challenger CEO John Challenger says.

More recent data suggests, however, that Americans are becoming more optimistic, as home values and stock prices are growing.

In fact, CBS News reported this week that consumer confidence is at its highest level in seven months, largely because more Americans expect the jobs picture to improve.

Large retailers have started announcing their hiring plans -- some of them quite ambitious. If you're in the market for a seasonal job, check out the gallery below to see who's hiring.

Looking for a job? Click here to get started.

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David Schepp

David Schepp

David Schepp has spent more than a dozen years covering business news for the electronic and print media, including Dow Jones Newswires, BBC News, Gannett Co., and most recently at AOL's DailyFinance. Nearly 10 years ago, he started writing a weekly People@Work column, looking in depth at issues facing workers in today's workplace. Follow David on Twitter. Email David at



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Sprott-Shaw College shutting down Maple Ridge campus

After more than five years at the corner of Lougheed Highway and 203rd Street, Sprott-Shaw College is closing the doors of its Maple Ridge campus.

The privately-owned college with more than 15 locations across B.C. is one of the only post-secondary options for residents of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows who want to study locally.

According to Sprott-Shaw College's website, the Maple Ridge Campus has "been around for a long time, but we're a well-kept secret."

Sprott-Shaw College did not return requests for interview, however staff at the Maple Ridge campus confirmed the school would be closing down as of Friday, Sept. 28.

With the closure of Sprott-Shaw College, the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows School District's private accredited post-secondary school, Ridge Meadows College, remains as one of the only local options for students studying past high school.

Douglas College previously operated a satellite campus based out of Thomas Haney secondary. However, its presence dwindled after the opening of the David Lam Campus in Coquitlam in the mid-1990s, eventually shutting close to 10 years ago.

Bruce Grady, district principal for Riverside Centre, which houses Ridge Meadows College, says the closure of Sprott-Shaw College opens new opportunities for Ridge Meadows College, the profits from which are used by the local school district to fund public education.

"With them leaving, we can look at offering courses," said Grady. "This may open up areas we've stayed away from in the past, because students were best served by Sprott-Shaw."

Ridge Meadows College offers certificate programs in early childhood education, dental reception, computer accounting, and office administration, as well as general interest courses.

Grady said prospective students should contact the college if there are programs they are interested in that aren't offered.

"If there's a program that people are interested in, we'll look at the demand and look at getting it ready for September," he said.

Grady said while there may be little in the way of local post-secondary options, elsewhere in the Fraser Valley there are many schools competing to attract local students.

"There's been tremendous post-secondary expansion in the Fraser Valley in the past decade," he notes.

University of the Fraser Valley, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Trinity Western University, Simon Fraser University, and Douglas College each have campuses within 20 km of downtown Maple Ridge.

Sprott-Shaw College also has campuses in Abbotsford and Surrey.

? For more information about Ridge Meadows College, visit

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

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Fighting intensifies in Syria's largest city

A man cries near the body of his brother, killed by a Syrian Army sniper, near Dar El Shifa Hospital in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

A man cries near the body of his brother, killed by a Syrian Army sniper, near Dar El Shifa Hospital in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

A Syrian man is comforted after the death of his brother, killed by a Syrian Army sniper, outside Dar El Shifa Hospital in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/ Manu Brabo)

Free Syrian Army fighter scans for targets from a building in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/ Manu Brabo)

Combatientes del Ej?rcito de Libre Siria cargan el cuerpo de un compa?ero ca?do lejos del frente de combate contra las tropas leales al presidente Bashar Assad en Alepo, Siria, el mi?rcoles 26 de septiembre del 2012. Las autoridades sirias enviaron el jueves mensajes de texto en los tel?fonos celulares de todo el pa?s con un mensaje para los rebeldes que pelean contra el r?gimen del presidente Bashar Assad: "El juego ha terminado". (Foto AP/Manu Brabo)

(AP) ? Fighting over Syria's largest city intensified Friday, with the most widespread battles reported there in two months as rebel forces launched a new offensive to rout President Bashar Assad's forces from Aleppo, activists said.

Some of the heaviest fighting erupted in the predominantly Kurdish neighborhood of Sheikh Maksoud, which was drawn into the conflict for the first time. Kurds make up Syria's largest minority and have been split in their loyalties.

Since the uprising against Assad began 18 months ago, some Kurds have sided with the rebels while others have supported the regime. Aleppo's Sheikh Maksoud neighborhood is mostly under the control of a pro-government Kurdish group. There were conflicting reports on whether Kurdish gunmen took part in Friday's fighting.

Aleppo, a city of 3 million that was once a bastion of support for Assad, has emerged as a key battleground in Syria's civil war. Its fall would give the opposition a major strategic victory, with a stronghold in the north near the Turkish border. A rebel defeat, at the very least, would buy the regime more time.

"The city is witnessing one of the most violent days. All fronts are on fire," Aleppo-based activist Baraa al-Halabi said.

In the diplomatic arena, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was hosting representatives of the Friends of Syria group ? a coalition that includes the United Sates, the European Union and the Arab League ? on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly. The group is seeking better cooperation among the groups that oppose Assad.

And in Geneva, the U.N.'s top human rights body voted Friday to extend the mission of its independent expert panel probing alleged war crimes in Syria. The panel led by Brazilian professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro has blamed Syria's government forces for the majority of serious abuses since the uprising began in March 2011.

The two sides have been locked in a stalemate, with neither able to deliver a decisive blow. The standoff has been most apparent in Aleppo, where each side controls roughly half the area. Late Thursday, rebel commanders from the main group of fighters, the Free Syrian Army, announced they are embarking on what they called a "decisive battle" for the city.

Since then, heavy clashes have been reported along the front lines between rebel- and regime-held areas.

Al-Halabi said clashes had broken out in neighborhoods including Midan, old Aleppo, Maysaloun, Azamiyeh, Salaheddine, Seif al-Dawla and Sheikh Maksoud.

Al-Halabi said the fighting included members of a group affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, which is fighting for autonomy in the Kurdish-dominated southeast region of neighboring Turkey and has had close ties with the Syrian government for decades

Another Aleppo-based activist, Mohammed Saeed, said the Kurdish fighters withdrew shortly after the fighting began without taking part in the battle.

The PKK's affiliate, the Democratic Union Party, is active in Sheikh Maksoud.

The Tawhid Brigade, the major rebel group in the city, said on its Facebook page that some of its fighters were battling pro-PKK gunmen in the neighborhood. State-run Syrian TV said regime forces repulsed an attack on Sheikh Maksoud with the help of its residents.

Rami Abdul-Rahman, who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, also said Kurds did not participate in the battle. He said those fighting alongside the regime in Sheikh Maksoud were members of a local Syrian clan known to support Assad.

The reports could not be independently confirmed because the government has imposed tight restrictions on the media.

Both the regime and the opposition have courted the Kurds, Syria's largest ethnic minority. Kurds make up around 10 percent to 15 percent of the country's 23 million people.

In July, government forces withdrew from Kurdish areas in northeastern Syria and were quickly replaced by Kurdish fighters from the PKK affiliate. However, other Kurds have sided with those trying to topple the regime, complaining of neglect by the state.

Despite the escalating bloodshed in Syria, the international community remains sharply divided over how to end the conflict.

The U.N. Security Council is deadlocked, with Syria allies Russia and China having repeatedly blocked harsher measures against the Assad regime sought by Western nations and the rebels' allies in the Middle East.

Clinton has decried Assad's "murdering of his own people," while Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ? who will address the General Assembly on Friday ? has accused the U.S. and other countries of encouraging terrorism in their stance on Syria.

Syria's conflict has repeatedly spilled over into neighboring countries, including Turkey, one of the biggest backers of the rebels.

A mortar round fired during fighting Friday in the area of a Syrian-Turkish border crossing, Tel Abyad, landed in Turkish territory, damaging the walls of two houses in the town of Akcakale, its mayor, Abdulhakim Ayhan, told the state-run Anadolu Agency. No one was hurt. Anadolu said Assad's forces were firing mortar rounds on rebel positions in a bid to regain control of the border crossing.

Also, a Syrian activist group, the Local Coordination Committees, said a Syrian warplane bombed the northern town of Azaz near the Turkish border, killing seven people.

An amateur video showed at least one dead boy being removed from under the rubble of a house in the area.


Associated Press writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, contributed reporting.

Associated Press


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Williamsburg Basketball: Principles of Leadership

To help you?be, know,?and?do,?follow these eleven principles of leadership (U.S. Army, 1983). The later chapters in this?Leadership guide?expand on these principles and provide tools for implementing them:
  1. Know yourself and seek self-improvement?- In order to know yourself, you have to understand your?be, know,?and?do,?attributes. Seeking self-improvement means continually strengthening your attributes. This can be accomplished through self-study, formal classes, reflection, and interacting with others.
  2. Be technically proficient?- As a leader, you must know your job and have a solid familiarity with your employees' tasks.
  3. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions?- Search for ways to guide your organization to new heights. And when things go wrong, they always do sooner or later ? do not blame others. Analyze the situation, take corrective action, and move on to the next challenge.
  4. Make sound and timely decisions?- Use good problem solving, decision making, and planning tools.
  5. Set the example?- Be a good role model for your employees. They must not only hear what they are expected to do, but also see.?We must become the change we want to see?- Mahatma Gandhi
  6. Know your people and look out for their well-being?- Know human nature and the importance of sincerely caring for your workers.
  7. Keep your workers informed?- Know how to communicate with not only them, but also seniors and other key people.
  8. Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers?- Help to develop good character traits that will help them carry out their professional responsibilities.
  9. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished?- Communication is the key to this responsibility.
  10. Train?as a team?- Although many so called leaders call their organization, department, section, etc. a team; they are not really teams...they are just a group of people doing their jobs.
  11. Use the full capabilities of your organization?- By developing a team spirit, you will be able to employ your organization, department, section, etc. to its fullest capabilities.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Offering the Type Of Assist You Wish for Your Webhosting | My Six ...

The most affordable web page internet hosting are not able to be calculated in the lower worth alone. It is actually to your quality extent depending on the functionality on the market to the offered expense. You need to glance for your online websites that supply a good deal more companies with the same exact or maybe a cheaper price. There are specific elements of internet hosting that you just should always seem for ahead of settling for your internet hosting service. Very often settling at zero cost internet hosting seriously isn?t tremendously useful.

Factors that you simply may want to search for within a website host.

F-r-e-e hosts commonly impose the load of ad with your webpage. This can be in return for the value of one?s homepage which has been supplied to you personally free of cost. There might possibly be banners or maybe even pop up windows which some people might not like in the least.

Aside from this the host have to cater towards your amazing wants. Purchasing limitless room once you will not will want it?s not sensible, once again not having the proper quantity of place you require will likely not suffice your requirements. Therefore you will have to decide on a service provider that provides you the wanted area for a lot less.

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So it?s not sensible for settling for less expensive webpages and compromise with velocity. Some no charge internet websites even restrict the quantity of customers that could circulation.

Most affordable internet hosting

So in this particular portion we?ll only see people cheap online websites that gratify a few of the essential conditions. The very first and foremost prerequisite need to be dependability and velocity. It should offer certain uptime, and when the host?s server is gradual they have to feature a refund.

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The host which you consider should probably also have a very adequate consumer treatment help desk which is operational in anyway occasions. You ought to have use of a toll absolutely free range, a mailing handle and live-chat amenities. Examination by looking to get related on the wee several hours of your evening and on Sundays!

Hostgator is 1 these types of discounted web site host which offers pretty lower charges for every one of the earlier mentioned many advantages. JustHost is yet one more this kind of internet hosting service provider that greater all significantly less suffices to every one of the earlier mentioned needs.

And so the most cost-effective webhosting is not really generally a good idea, somewhat accept a web page that offers one of the best return for the financial commitment.

You should explore to Picking Out the Suitable Shared Webhosting Company Company: Cost-free Net Provider Internet Hosting ? Could It Be Any Beneficial? for those who will need a bit more data within the subject.

Related posts:

  1. Webhosting for Ones Not So Big Opportunity ? You Should Not Wait Around Any Longer
  2. Locating A Devoted Webhosting Solution
  3. Globally Viable Webhosting Solution ? Information
  4. Launch Your Company Thru Small-scale Business Venture Webhosting
  5. Funds Hosting Features And Disadvantages: Notable Issues For Picking Out Webhosting Suppliers


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Actor Johnny Lewis found dead in LA, linked to killing

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Johnny Lewis, who had a supporting role in the TV show "Sons of Anarchy," was found dead on Wednesday in a Los Angeles neighborhood where he was suspected of killing an 81-year-old woman from whom he may have been renting a room, police said on Thursday.

Police responded to a call on Wednesday morning about a screaming woman in the affluent Los Feliz section and found Catherine Davis dead in her home, Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Officer Cleon Joseph said.

Joseph said that Lewis, 28, who had been released from jail five days earlier, was also dead in the home's driveway after either falling or jumping from the roof.

The officer said the circumstances around the deaths were still being investigated. "Detectives believe that he may have committed the murder," Joseph said of Lewis, adding that the motive was unknown.

Lewis pleaded guilty in a Los Angeles-area court last month to assault with a deadly weapon, District Attorney's Office spokeswoman Jane Robison said. In a different case, he also pleaded no contest to attempted burglary, Robison said.

Lewis was sentenced to jail in both cases. He was released from jail last Friday, county records showed.

It was unclear on Thursday why he was released on that date and how much of his sentence had been served.

Lewis had a supporting role in the first two seasons of "Sons of Anarchy," a television drama featuring an outlaw motorcycle club. He played Kip "Half Sack" Epps, an Iraq War veteran who hung out with the biker club featured in the show.

The Los Angeles-born Lewis previously had recurring roles in the TV shows "Boston Public" and "The O.C."

Kurt Sutter, creator of "Sons of Anarchy", said in a statement that Lewis' death was a "tragic end for an extremely talented guy, who unfortunately had lost his way."

"I wish I could say that I was shocked by the events last night, but I was not," Sutter said. "I am deeply sorry that an innocent life had to be thrown into his destructive path."

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis and Colleen Jenkins; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Andrew Hay)


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why When Friends Get Involved In Relationships They Change? 09 ...

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    Robby Benson joins Flashback With Carey Fisher. Robby is an accomplished actor, singer, director and author. He will be discussing his book "I'm Not Dead...Yet!" and his road to self-publishing.

  • Catch an interview with goth sensation, Jet Noir. Jet has a haunting and powerful voice and is an amazing instrumentalist, having studied guitar, violin and piano.

  • Enjoy this dramatic thirty-minute suspense and mystery series, The Clock, written by Lawrence Klee. The Clock was first broadcast in November 1946.

  • Toni Gibson joins Kenneth Hieber LIVE from New Zealand tonight. Toni will be talking about her upcoming new album and her passion for the Classical-Crossover genre of music.

  • Melissa Bel is an up and coming Indie artist with a soulful voice that is rich and deep like that of a seasoned veteran. She has been compared to Janis Joplin and Joss Stone and amassed a throng of fans from around the world. Tune to hear about her new album.

  • Jammin Jukebox Radio welcomes Nathin Butler. Nathin, who plays Dr. Ewen Keenan on General Hospital, will be talking about his band, The Sugar, discussing their newest self-titled release, tour dates and a little General Hospital too.

  • Actress and Fashionista LisaRaye McCoy stops by to chat with Olivia Wilder about her hit VH1 show, Single Ladies and her role as "Keisha," plus her many entrepreneurial endeavors.

  • IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and Mr. Olympia competitor Mark Alvisi speaks about his career, his new product line, Pro Sports Nutrition, & his journey to date as he reaches for the Olympia title.

  • E GEMZ Radio welcomes X Factor contestants Willie Jones, Panda Ross, Jeff Gutt and Julia Bullock! They will be speaking about their life, music, and their X Factor experiences. Fan calls will be taken during the interview.

  • Visit with Samsung Global Blogger Armando Pizzuti as he shares stories from his first big job in the 2006 Italian blockbuster movie "Notte Prima DegliEsami (The Night Before The Exams).

  • Visit with Chef Mario Martinoli from Mario?s Cooking for Friends, the fondly remembered Beverly Boulevard Italian restaurant, caf?, deli and gathering spot in Hollywood.

  • Contemporary author Christine Nolfi stops by Best Ever You to talk about her third book, Second Chance Grill.

  • Worried about that upcoming meeting or conversation? Collaboration Soup co-author Delia Horwitz explains why effective collaboration is as simple to accomplish as making soup on the Conversation Crossroad radio program.

  • Current Cleveland Browns Running Back Chris Ogbonnaya will be joining Weigh In Sports for an in-depth interview on his career, playing for coach Mack Brown and the Texas Longhorns and his current season with the Cleveland Browns.

  • Source:

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    The Human Face of Big Data Compares You to Millions of People Around the World [Video]

    The Human Face of Big Data Compares You to Millions of People Around the WorldThe Human Face of Big Data Compares You to Millions of People Around the World Android and iOS: We often look at the silent tracking conducted by our mobile devices as a bad thing, but if put to good use that data can help us solve problems and learn more about each other. The Human Face of Big Data is an app for your iPhone or Android that asks to anonymously track you and ask you questions over the course of the next week in hopes of drawing some interesting and useful conclusions about how we live and work.

    You may remember an app called folding@home that asked you to donate your excess computing power to create the world's largest distributed supercomputer. This remotely networked machine of donated CPU cycles could then solve mathematical equations related to protein folding and help unlock mysteries behind diseases. The Human Face of Big Data is a similar project, in that it asks you to anonymously contribute the data your phone collects on a daily basis. Additionally, you can answer interesting questions about yourself and the collected information may point to your data doppelg?nger amongst the world's population (of smartphone users, anyway).

    The data collection process will take place this week, between September 26th and and October 2nd. At the end of the week the massive amount of information will be processed, interesting conclusions drawn, and the findings published for free online. We could discover the best and worst times to catch a cab in New York, which cities have the most active and healthy populations, how the weather affects our day-to-day experiences, or something else entirely. It's hard to say what will be discovered from participant data, but the app presents an interesting opportunity to find out more about how we live and work. If you're interested in participating, check out the site and download the app.

    The Human Face of Big Data


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    The most important part in setting up your own e-store is selection of the boat propellers right e-commerce shopping cart which would suit the needs of your business. Online shopping cart software is used in e-commerce to aid purchases in an online store. It is analogous to placing items intended to be purchased in a shopping cart before billing in a conventional store. Once the customer checks out of the store gallery, the software calculates the total cost of the items in the cart including shipping charges and taxes before confirming to enter the payment portal.

    One can choose free, hosted, managed or hosted shopping carts. However, the choice is generally governed by your budget and business needs. Free shopping cart may sound pretty good and easy but it is always better to have some support in case of breakdown. Thus free shopping carts may not be the best choice if your loss between breakdown and recovery is going to be large. Having said that, it does not mean hosted shopping carts are safe. They may sound like one at the early stages of your business as it will let you get into business faster but the recurring charges could become a hassle on a later stage.

    A number of shopping cart providers offer both free and hosted carts for ecommerce applications. Some of the giants in the business modify the existing carts customizing to suit their business needs. Some of the most popular hosted and free shopping carts are 3DCart, AbleCommmerce, cart32, eCrater, ProductCart,? .netCARTand ABC eStore.


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    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Scientists prevent heart failure in mice

    ScienceDaily (Sep. 25, 2012) ? Cardiac stress -- for example, a heart attack or high blood pressure -- frequently leads to pathological heart growth and subsequently to heart failure. Two tiny RNA molecules play a key role in this detrimental development in mice, as researchers at the Hannover Medical School and the G?ttingen Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry have now discovered. When they inhibited one of those two specific molecules, they were able to protect the rodent against pathological heart growth and failure. With these findings, the scientists hope to be able to develop therapeutic approaches that can protect humans against heart failure.

    Respiratory distress, fatigue, and attenuated performance are symptoms that can accompany heart failure. A reason for this can be an enlarged heart, a so-called cardiac hypertrophy. It may develop when the heart is subjected to permanent stress, for example, due to persistent high blood pressure or a valvular heart defect. In order to boost the pumping performance, the heart muscle cells enlarge -- a condition that frequently results in heart failure if not treated.

    Two small RNA molecules tip the balance

    A research team at the G?ttingen Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry and the Hannover Medical School discovered that two small RNA molecules play a key role in the growth of heart muscle cells: the microRNAs miR-212 and miR-132. The scientists had observed that these microRNAs are more prevalent in the cardiac muscle cells of mice suffering from cardiac hypertrophy. To determine the role that the two microRNAs play, the scientists bred genetically modified mice that had an abnormally large number of these molecules in their heart muscle cells. "These rodents developed cardiac hypertrophy and lived for only three to six months, whereas their healthy conspecifics had a normal healthy life-span of several years," explained Dr. Kamal Chowdhury, researcher in the Department of Molecular Cell Biology at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry. "For comparison, we also selectively switched off these microRNAs in other mice. These animals had a slightly smaller heart than their healthy conspecifics, but did not differ from them in behavior or life-span," continued the biologist. The crucial point is when the scientists subjected the hearts of these mice to stress by narrowing the aorta, the mice did not develop cardiac hypertrophy -- in contrast to normal mice.

    A microRNA inhibitor protects mice against hypertrophy

    The scientists were also able to protect normal mice against the disease. When they gave them a substance that selectively inhibits microRNA-132, no pathological cardiac growth occurred -- even when the hearts of these mice were subjected to stress. "Thus, for the first time ever, we have found a molecular approach for treating pathological cardiac growth and heart failure in mice," said the cardiologist Professor Dr. Dr. Thomas Thum, MD, Director of the Institute for Molecular and Translational Therapy Strategies (IMTTS) at the Hannover Medical School. With these findings, the researchers hope that they will be able to develop therapeutic approaches that can also protect humans against heart failure. "Such microRNA inhibitors, alone or in combination with conventional treatments, could represent a promising new therapeutic approach," said Thum.

    "In mice with an overdosage of the two microRNAs in their heart muscle cells, the cellular 'recycling program' is curbed," explained Dr. Ahmet Ucar, who together with Shashi K. Gupta was responsible for the experiments. In this recycling process, the cell breaks down components that are damaged or no longer required and reuses their constituents -- a vital process that, for example, ensures the organism's survival under stress conditions. In mice without the microRNAs -212 and 132, this recycling program is more active than in their normal conspecifics. Conceivably, the reduced cellular recycling could be a cause of the observed cardiac hypertrophy.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Ahmet Ucar, Shashi K. Gupta, Jan Fiedler, Erdem Erikci, Michal Kardasinski, Sandor Batkai, Seema Dangwal, Regalla Kumarswamy, Claudia Bang, Angelika Holzmann, Janet Remke, Massimiliano Caprio, Claudia Jentzsch, Stefan Engelhardt, Sabine Geisendorf, Carolina Glas, Thomas G. Hofmann, Michelle Nessling, Karsten Richter, Mario Schiffer, Lucie Carrier, L. Christian Napp, Johann Bauersachs, Kamal Chowdhury, Thomas Thum. The miRNA-212/132 family regulates both cardiac hypertrophy and cardiomyocyte autophagy. Nature Communications, 2012; 3: 1078 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2090

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    There will be time enough to complain later (Unqualified Offerings)

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    Hack an iPod Nano Into Your Car's Dashboard [DIY]

    Hack an iPod Nano Into Your Car's DashboardA lot of us use our iPods in the car, but Redditor hyeinkall took his iPod Nano to new heights with integrating it with the dashboard in his 2001 Honda Accord.

    The project actually looks very simple: Hyeinkall just removed the small, unimportant digital clock in the car's dashboard and cut up the plastic frame so the iPod fit in place. He then added a dock connector for the iPod (which can then hook up to the car's stereo) and put the whole frame back. Now it's always accessible while in the car, and he can undock it when he gets home. Hit the link to see a full Imgur album with step-by-step pictures. And if you have a different car...well, you can integrate a Nano into that, too.

    Changed the Digital Clock in My 01 Honda Accord to Hold an iPod Nano | Reddit via WonderHowTo


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    Obama detours from campaign trail to world stage (reuters)

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    Monday, September 24, 2012

    through the looking glass - Belated Mommy: Myths About Mothering

    This is an installment of "Belated Mommy," a book of parenting essays, geared towards women who, like me, started families relatively late.

    More than anything right now, I want to take a nap. And I will take one, as soon as I've finished writing this. My toddler will probably take one with me, but he's just as likely to sit on my stomach, as I recline on the couch, while he watches educational programming on PBS Kids. Some would consider this bad parenting.

    Let me let you in on a little secret: anything that keeps you sane and that doesn't endanger your child is not bad parenting; it's survival. If you're going crazy without adult conversation, there's no harm in chatting on the phone with a friend or checking your e-mail while the little one plays with toys. That is not bad parenting (unless your child is playing with laundry bleach).

    One of the pervasive myths of motherhood is that mothers have to be martyrs. If you're not spending 100 percent of your waking hours enjoying "quality time" with your little Pookie, you're a bad mommy. Quality time, generally speaking, involves riveting your attention onto them while engaging in something that involves a valuable learning component, such as Exploring Shapes by creating a craft that would make Martha Stewart bow down in awe. Guess what? Tickling their feet and singing a rhyming song is just as good.

    If, like me, you divide your day into sections of productivity -- writing, editing, promoting -- and sections of toddler time, don't think you should wear a scarlet "B" for "Bad Mommy." Chances are, your child is getting just as much mental and developmental growth from experimenting with toys and flipping through books on his or her own. (Again, provided you provide age-appropriate toys and a child-friendly play space, and they're not playing in the alley with an oily rag.) Trust me: when he needs you, there will be no hiding, and when she has a diaper, you will know.

    Another pervasive myth of motherhood: once you have the baby, the weight will come right off. Some people tell you that, as long as you breast feed, you burn an extra 500 calories a day and will lose the weight in no time. In my case, while I was nursing, my body seemed to want to stay fluffy, in order to be a more comfortable place for the baby to relax.

    The worst part is that my body seems to be completely fine with staying the way it is. Even though I have been trying to follow the same weight-loss plan that helped me lose and maintain 70 pounds of weight loss before getting pregnant, nothing seems to work now. Perhaps it's because I'm over 40 now, and my metabolism has retired. One friend thinks it's because of the late hours I have to keep, doing transcription work at night.

    Honestly, I just think my body has decided it's pleased to be plump. I think it's going to take something drastic to get past my impasse: either hiring a personal trainer or making enough money through my writing that I can afford to ditch the evening transcription work. One can always dream.

    One final myth you've no doubt heard: Mothers always know best. Upon taking your new little bundle back home, everyone from nurses to family members assure you that you'll know what to do if you simply follow your instincts. If only it were that easy. There will be plenty of moments when you're simply at wit's end: and your crying, red-faced bundle of joy isn't giving you any hints.

    It's OK to be frustrated. It's OK to feel clueless. It's OK to doubt yourself. In fact, it's absolutely normal. If you didn't go through a period of adjustment, you're probably super human. Or a character on a 1950s sit-com. But yes, it will get easier, and yes, you will figure it out. It might involve calling your mom more often than you did when you took your first apartment. It might involve finding a support group -- either in person or online -- of likeminded moms who can share tips. It might mean relying on your equally clueless spouse or life partner for moral support and assistance. But you'll make it. And you don't have to be Donna Reed to do so.

    Now that I've fulfilled my commitment to write this, I'm going to have some quality time with my son. First, however, that long-awaited nap.

    Read "Belated Mommy" in Order from the Project Outline

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    By The Associated Press

    NEW YORK (AP) - Scientists have completed a major analysis of the genetics of breast cancer and find four major classes of the disease. They hope their work will lead to more effective treatments.

    The new findings offer hints that one type of breast cancer might be vulnerable to drugs that already work against ovarian cancer.

    The study appeared online Sunday in the journal Nature. It's the latest example of research into the biological details of tumors, rather than focusing on where cancer arises in the body.

    The hope is that such research can reveal cancer's genetic weaknesses that someday can be targeted by drugs, even some already in use.

    Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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